Clutha TV
Clutha TV Is a Video promotion Service that helps Charities and Third Sector services. These videos are free of charge and to help promote the good work that charities and services are delivering. This is done with industry standard equipment and all at no cost.
Cast Montage
These are small clips of performances of C.A.S.T throughout the years. Since the early stages of the Clutha trust we have always supported up and coming actors looking for their first role in the industry. C.A.S.T also provides workshops for local schools to give kids around Glasgow a taste of what Acting is like and encourage them to take it up as a hobby. The clips shown here are from recent big bill performance and a workshop provided by C.A.S.T to one of Glasgow’s local schools.
Big Bill Show
This Sketch was a promotion tool to Create a buzz about the Big Bill show. This extract was adapted to be more engaging with an online audience and to get people laughing.
Ukrainian Christmas Night
This shows the great heart of the Clutha. The live music, food, drink and amazing people who come for a pint.

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